reviews starting at $500

Already started a floorplan with another provider?   We offer independent reviews of plans to help sort out what is and is not working. We redline the layouts, provide potential design alternatives, and summarize the constructive feedback in a way that makes it easy for you to share at your next meeting.

consultations + reviews

plans starting at $1,000

Tackling a remodeling project can be tough, especially without a solid game plan. We work with the homeowner and their contractor to tailor a floorplan that's just right for their space. We provide an expert eye that understands how to maximize functionality despite a finite amount of space. 


pricing based on Total HEATED + COOLED area

Most homeowners start with a Pinterest board full of floorplans that ALMOST works for them. Why settle for 'almost' when investing in your new home? We take the concepts that work and tactfully craft a custom floorplan, which fulfills our clients' needs and reflects their unique aesthetic. 

new construction

services starting at $500

We design floorplans for new construction as well as remodels. Our 3D renderings and elevations take the drawings to the next level, so our clients experience the full potential of their homes right from the start. No vivid imagination required.

Floor plans

Let's Work Together

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our processes + pricing models

We're looking forward to meeting you soon on our Discovery Call

Why tackle your project alone? LittleCreek+Co. is here to help.